Size of: a softball
Big Developments: Baby’s brain is designating specialized areas for all the different senses. Baby’s kidneys are making urine and may be growing some hair on his head.
Gender: We are on a ten day count down to baby’s targeted ultrasound. I am so excited. I know that I’ll immediately want to go shopping as soon as we are done and get some cute things for the babe. I’m going back and forth being excited about a girl and a boy. I know that we will be so happy with either one. I know that we are meant to have a girl and another boy in our family so it will be interesting to see who is next. We are back to discussing not telling anyone if we find out. I think keeping a secret would be really fun.
Big News: We got together with our friends Dake and Amanda this week and we clued them in on our news; we forgot to officially tell them the last time we saw them.
Symptoms: Heartburn; when I eat, when I don’t eat, while I’m eating. It keeps me up at night and makes it hard to catch my breath. I’m starting to have restless legs when I sit too long or at night when I’m trying to get comfortable to fall asleep. I can usually fall asleep to take a nap, but at night it’s almost impossible. It has been taking a few hours for me to fall asleep each night and nothing seems to help. I have also been getting night sweats which wake me up. I have been having a lot of round ligament pain in my lower abdomen and sometimes in my groin and hips.
Thoughts: Baby stays mostly on my right side, just like Hiccup did. I can feel the most movement late at night when I’m trying to sleep and in the late afternoon after I have eaten lunch.
Cravings & Aversions: I've been wanting ethnic type food, mostly Chinese and Mexican food. I've eaten a lot of ham-fried rice and enchiladas always sound good. I've been trying really hard just to drink water or crystal light even though soda sounds really good. I had some cut up chicken in a salad and it tasted so bad to me.
Baby is: twenty weeks
Baby is: twenty weeks
Length of: a carrot or banana
Big Developments:
Baby is swallowing more which is good practice for the digestive system.
Gender: We get to finally find out this week. I am so
excited. I can’t wait to be able to figure out a name and start making plans
for each of the babies’ rooms.
Big News: I think once we know what the baby is then we can
post something on the internet to tell the rest of our friends who might care.
Symptoms: I am getting tired much easier. My hips, legs, and
back hurt when I move around a lot, or if I don’t move around enough. My skin
is so dry and bleeds easily. I hate it. My stomach gets really itchy about half
way through the day. I've been using coconut oil when I get out of the shower
but I need to find something I can use during the day. I feel really swollen
and kind of beat up.
Thoughts: Hiccup loves looking at pictures of babies lately
so it makes me excited to see how he will be with the new baby. I think he will
be eager to help with the new baby. I can already see him trying to put the
bottle or binky in his mouth. I feel like time is finally going by really
quickly. I can’t believe we’re already at the half way point. I feel like since
there are so many holidays coming up that baby will be here so soon. I’m
wearing a few maternity tops but not pants quite yet. I feel like my wardrobe
is shrinking so it makes getting ready in the morning kind of a pain. We’re
still taking pictures every week but those are getting to be a challenge as
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