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Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Weeks 17 & 18

Baby is: seventeen weeks
Size of: an apple

Big Developments:  Baby’s bones are thickening and the umbilical cord is getting stronger and thicker. Sweat glands are starting to develop. Baby is starting to be able to hear sounds.

Gender: I scheduled the big ultrasound so now we have a four week countdown to find out what baby is. It should be fun to hear everyone’s guesses and see everyone’s reaction when we finally find out. I’m getting anxious since people are constantly asking if we know the gender and when we will find out.

Big News: I talked to my friend Tayler this week and she was excited for us. She has a new little one so it was good to get her perspective.

Symptoms: Dry, dry skin; chappy lips; stuffy nose. My skin is terrible. I’m out of shape and getting sore easily. I gained 5 pounds in the last month, yikes. I need to be more conscious of what I’m eating and actually try to do something active.  

Thoughts: I went to the dr on Friday. This was the first appointment Casey hasn’t been to but it was a quick one so I survived. I got to hear baby’s heartbeat (140s), and discussed my symptoms and weight gain. I have had three dreams so far about going in to labor. In two of them I was just over 20 weeks and we didn’t know the sex of the baby yet and I was terrified because I knew it was too early for baby to be coming. Casey can feel the baby wiggling around. This baby is a little more cooperative when I have Casey try and feel. I think it also helps that Casey knows what to feel for this time around.

Cravings & Aversions: I want vegetables, salads, and more salty stuff lately. I still love sweets but I'm drawn to actually craving fresh things and salty/cheesy things.

Baby is: eighteen weeks
Size of: a bell pepper

Big Developments:  Baby is moving around more and more, which I am noticing. The blood vessels are visible through the skin and his ears are in their final position. The boy/girl parts are continuing to develop and are visible if we had an ultrasound.

Gender: I find myself switching back and forth from calling the baby he and she. I’m testing out different names and seeing what sounds natural. We definitely have our girl name picked out but are stuck on a picking out a boy name.

Big News: I told my visiting teachers this week. 

Symptoms: Trips to the bathroom are usually an emergency where I have to hurry my fastest. My nails are growing fast and I’ve noticed my hair grows pretty fast as well. I am not lucky enough to have the pregnancy ‘glow’; instead I have lovely pregnancy acne. I am very clumsy and easily irritated. I am having a hard time falling asleep at night and falling back to sleep if I wake up. I wake up at least once during the night for a bathroom break; usually more just to try and get comfortable. My tummy sure is growing. I can’t tell if I’m getting new stretch marks or if the ones from Hiccup are just getting worse. I’m not wearing maternity clothes yet but I think I will make that move, at least with pants, very soon. My gums are bleeding when I brush my teeth, but only at nighttime.

Thoughts: Baby is noticeably more active lately. I haven’t been able to determine a specific schedule yet but there is usually a lot of activity at night or after I eat. I had some hot chocolate and baby went crazy! I have noticed that baby wakes up early just like Hiccup used to. I think it’s cuz he’s hungry and wants to remind me to eat. I think I’m looking more noticeably pregnant now. My belly is still pudgy and low but now it looks less like a big meal and more like a bump.

Cravings & Aversions: I want cereal all the time. I like to eat crackers lately. I tried some chicken from Cheesecake Factory, that I usually love, over the weekend and couldn't even eat 1/3 of it because the texture was grossing me out. 

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