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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A TRIBUTE of sorts {second family}

I have been very blessed to love the family I married into. From the beginning they were kind and welcoming to me. I remember going over there for the first time to meet everyone. It was Sunday dinner, we had baked potatoes and chicken. Later Casey's brother and sister-in-law came over with their kids. My neice-to-be and I were instant friends. We colored in the front room while everyone talked and laughed and played cards in the kitchen. The first time I met the other brother and sister-in-law, he reminded me of an ex-boyfriend and she thought I was another girl Casey had told them about... ha! :0) Everyone was nice and funny from the start. They've always been supportive to us and excited to be a part of our life's changes.

For a little over a year, Casey and I lived just two houses down from his parents. They graciously let us use their washer and dryer since we didn't have one. We went and visited several times a week, most likely staying for dinner or some sort of treat. I'm grateful that we were so close and that our relationship with them grew over this time.

Father Childs/Scott/Grandpa: He makes the yummiest chocolate shakes which we request quite frequently, he's always got an answer to your question--whether it's the truth or not is up for debate :0) , he's helpful and handy and will always come to the rescue

Mama Childs/Brenda/Grandma: She loves her family with all of her being, she will do anything for her kids and grandkids, she loves to read and always has good recommendations, she will always give in to your request for cookie dough

Nate: He's a pro at growing facial hair, he loves the little kids, he's got awesome dance moves, he's a great story teller

Andrea: She's always great to turn to for advice, she tells it like it is so you know you can count on her to tell the truth, she's a great auntie and mama, she's good in a tough situation, she makes yummy cake pops!

Bostyn: is a great little athlete, is one of the smartest kids I know, and says prayers like nobody's business

Italy: my very first little friend, I love this girl. She's sassy and funny and such a ball of energy

Phoenyx: I'm so glad this little boy loves me. He knows I'm a sucker for his cute face and will give him pretty much anything he wants. He's getting so big which makes me sad. He's such a good pal to Hiccup and I'm excited to see them grow up together.

These kids give me great story-telling-material becuase they say and do the funniest things!

Ben: He's a good brother and friend, he's always good for a laugh, he is a good sounding board when you're having problems or struggling with something

Christine: She is kind and accepting, she is grateful and giving, she is up to the challenges life throws at her and handles them gracefully, she's a good sport and my favorite charades player

Reese: Such a cute blue-eyed girl, she sleeps like a champ and makes me jealous, she makes me excited to have a little girl

Casey: My hubby, the middle child, the peace maker who gets along with everyone

Hiccup: The youngest and busiest

Mikey: on a mission in Arizona--he comes home in April, we're excited to see him and hopefully rebuild a good relationship with him and for him to meet the new babies in the family

Jess: She takes such good care of Hiccup and is so good to her other neices and nephews, she has excellent taste in tv shows, she is growing up before my eyes into such a beautiful and confident lady, she will do such great things

Growing up with two little brothers, I'm so grateful now that I have sisters to turn to and to cry to and laugh with. I'm thankful for the lessons they've taught me and for the fun we have together.

No one in this family takes themselves too seriously so we always end up laughing ourselves silly when we're together. They are always good to turn for advice, comfort, and help. I'm glad that I can call them mine.


  1. Wow it's just such a small world!! I met Nate and Andrea (I believe those are the correct people) at my friends wedding that I had the opportunity of being photographer! We shared the same table. :) Tell them I said hi, even though they probably don't remember me, and won't have a clue of who you're talking about. LOL. (It was Kristen's wedding, if they're wondering) But I think Andrea and Kristen may be the best of friends. :)

    Once again, sorry I'm ALWAYS commenting! LOL.

    1. Cherie, that's crazy. I'll have to tell them :0)What a small world. When Casey and I started dating we realized that Nate and Andrea were friends with one of my cousins.
