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Monday, December 30, 2013

Weeks 9, 10, & 11

Baby is: Nine weeks
Size of: a grape

Big Developments: Baby’s heart has divided into four chambers. The tadpole tail is gone, the eyes are fully formed. Baby has earlobes.  
Gender: I go back and forth to thinking about girl things vs. boy things. I’m excited to find out whether we have a boy or girl coming to our family.

Big News: We told our family this weekend. We bought my mom a Berstein’s Bears book “The New Baby” and had Hiccup give it to her for her birthday. She figured it out pretty quickly and was really excited for us. We told Casey’s family on Sunday at the birthday gathering. We played our fun pictionary/charades game and had Casey act it out. Scott and Brenda didn’t figure it out at first but everyone seemed excited for us. It’s nice having our family know what’s going on.

Symptoms: My belly is pudgy! I’m up 4 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I am so tired! I feel like I could sleep all day for several days in a row and still be tired. My mouth tastes terrible all the time. No matter what I eat or how many times I brush my teeth, nothing seems to help.

Thoughts: We had our first dr appointment this week. I did a lot of blood work and we got to see tiny baby on the ultrasound. I was super nervous the whole time. I was shaking while she was doing the ultrasound. I wanted everything to be ok with the babe and I was pretty nervous that there might be two in there. Turns out there was just one. :0) Dr said based on baby’s size that my due date is March 22. We got to hear baby’s heartbeat and got some pictures that we took home to show Hiccup and put on our fridge.

Cravings & Aversions: I have to eat whatever sounds good as soon as it sounds good, otherwise it might not taste good by the time I get around to eating it. Chicken and hotdogs are on the avoid list. I'm really wanting sweet things. 


Baby is: Ten weeks
Size of: an olive

Big Developments: Baby has grown from an embryo to a fetus. Bones and cartilage are forming; the liver and kidneys are formed and are starting to function.

Gender: I think we are all feeling like Hiccup will have a little brother. Casey doesn’t want to talk about names which kind of drives me nuts but once we find out for sure what the baby is we can worry about a name then.

Big News: We haven’t told any more of our friends or family this week. With some people it just slips right out but with others it’s hard to find a good segue into talking about it.

Symptoms: Some of my pants are getting tighter, yuck. I don’t want to have to go buy maternity clothes this early. My boobs are definitely bigger, maybe they’re back to their pre-first pregnancy size? I’m getting heartburn easier and more frequently. I’m getting headaches a ton. My skin is starting to feel dry and itchy most of the time. My hair and nails seem to be growing a lot faster than usual.

Thoughts: I am getting run down a lot easier this time around. I definitely need to rework my schedule so that I’m not such a crazy person trying to accomplish more than I have time and energy for. We bought baby some little jammies. They are blue and have foxes on them. I figured they were as gender neutral as we were going to find.

Cravings & Aversions: More and more things are not sounding good. Too mushy of a texture grosses me out. Eggo waffles sound delicious. Veggies and fruit taste really good, I just need to be better about buying them and remembering to eat them. 


Baby is: Eleven weeks
Size of: a strawberry

Big Developments: Baby is starting to kick and move his arms. Baby is developing sex organs. A little boy will begin to make testosterone and a girl will make estrogen.

Gender: We refer to the baby as ‘he’ but it’s still anyone’s guess. I went shopping with my mom for fabric and couldn’t find anything neutral like I wanted. I did find some cute boy and girl stuff tho. I’m still undecided about telling everyone when we find out the gender. I kind of want to wait till the baby is born but I don’t know if I will be able to keep a secret that long.

Symptoms: Constipation has been a major issue this week. I think I may have a bladder infection as well. I’ve been pretty dizzy and am still battling migraines. My dr got me a prescription to help with the pain so I don’t have to miss so much work.

Thoughts: I’m trying to figure out what to do about the sleeping arrangement when the baby comes. Hiccup still needs to be in his crib so we will probably have to buy a new one or borrow one for the baby. We don’t want either of the kids downstairs by themselves since they are so little so we will have to figure out a way for them to share the upstairs room which will be interesting. I want to be able to buy the baby some new stuff so he isn't stuck with everything hand-me-down, but I don’t know how that will work.

Cravings & Aversions: I ate some chicken this week and it was ok. I figured out if I have it in small pieces I do ok, it’s the bigger pieces that are more meaty and have tendons in them that really gross me out. The smell of hotdogs grosses me out so I can’t even think about eating one. I’ve been craving pasta and breakfast stuff. 

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