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Monday, December 31, 2012

Reflections & Resolutions

2012 is coming to a close. It was a good year, generally speaking, for our family. We had some major life changes, some big and small trials, a lot of laughs, and tears of all sorts.  I get really sentimental this time of year. Holidays are a time that we surround ourselves with the ones we love and relive our favorite memories. Most people are so eager to put the year behind them and to start fresh. I think that it's only fair to look forward to this new coming year only after I've taken a minute to realize how truly blessed I was this past year.
The Top Moments of My 2012: *I turned 25. Wow. When did I get so old? I still feel like I just barely graduated high school. I guess no matter what my age I will still always be somewhat of a kid. *We bought our very first house. It was a crazy and stressful process but I'm so thankful it turned out well. Our house isn't fancy or grand or anything special, but it's ours. It is our little safe haven from the world; a good, relaxing place to rest our heads each night; a bright, open space to laugh and play with our family. It feels like our home, like we belong there and we can grow there. I know it won't be our home for too many years but while we are there I will always be grateful to have a place to call mine. *Hiccup was born. I've said it a hundred times and I mean it; if all my pregnancies and deliveries would be like this one, I would have 12 kids. I loved being pregnant and feeling my little boy grow. Delivery went just about as flawless as I could have expected, my dr and nurses were fabulous and I recovered much quicker than I  thought. Meeting our little one was one of my very favorite experiences and I wish I could live in that memory forever. He is so very special to me and I am thankful every day that I am trusted with him. *Hiccup has learned to smile, laugh, roll over, crawl, sit up, pull himself up, the list goes on. He's a good little eater and has the biggest, most curious, blue eyes that I just love. He loves his mama and daddy and loves to show off. What a fireball that kid is. He is so slight and wiry and such a daredevil. He's not quite six months and he's already fascinated by the stairs and tries to climb everything. He will keep me on my toes that's for sure. Life will never be the same, and will never have a dull moment; just the way it's supposed to be right?

I'm very much looking forward to 2013. 2012, although with its many blessings, has been rough on us: spirtitually, mentally, physically, financially. I'm not a big believer in making resolutions, probably because I have never in my human existence kept one that I have made. Instead I thought I'd make a list of things I'd like to see happen, whether they are goals or predictions or even dreams. I will try my best to make them come true. *I would like to get out of debt. I need to budget better and differently now that we have a little one in our house. I'm trying hard to plan for his future but to give us a comfortable now as well. *I want to use this next year to be better to myself. I need to take better care of myself and make more time to do things to help my mental and physical wellness. *I'd like to fall in love with reading again. I used to read a few books each month but I've gotten out of that habit. I think reading makes you a more intelligent and imaginitive person. Who couldn't use more of that in their life? *I will be kinder. I will judge less. I will give the benefit of the doubt. I will be forgiving. All of these I struggle with. Ugh. This will be my biggest challenge I'm sure. *I want to witness Hiccup's first steps *I want to hear his first words, I'm predicting 'ball' , 'mama' , or even 'hi'. *I want to take a family trip to the zoo and see how the little one lights up at all the animals around him. *I want to take a baseball vacation. This may be a stretch. I guess the budgeting goal will play a major role here.. fingers crossed! *I want to be a better wife and mama. I want to fall in love with my family and be the best that I can for them. *I want to be faithful and trusting. I need to stop doubting every move I make. There is a plan for me. Everything happens for a reason. Life is good and it will turn out for the best. I should write that down on my mirror and look at it every day.

I wish everyone a happy new year. Make the very best of this life and each moment it gives you. Tell the people you love that you love them. Spend time laughing every day. Find something good in every day. When you forget to do these things I will be there to remind you. Please help me to find the good moments as well.

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