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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

a little more about me

I have a hard time talking about myself, even worse, I have an extremely hard time selling myself (ie interviews, evaluations, etc.). I haven't ever had a great self esteem although I try my best to be positive and be a good person and take care of the people in my life. The people around me are what effects my personality the most I think. Anyway, rambling on like I do, the point of this post... I found a funny template of ways to get to know people. I thought it would help introduce myself a little and keep my brain awake on this dreary Wednesday.

Allergic to: I can't have the artificial cinnamon in bears, or gum, or hot tamales. My tongue swells up and my throat gets all scratchy.
Best quality about myself: Oh good, one of these fill in the blanks... I feel like I'm a pretty good mama (so far), I love spending time with my little boy and I know that he loves me by the way he looks at me and smiles at me and cuddles me. I feel like most of the time I'm pretty witty; you can usually count on me for a sarcastic comment or two.
Chore I hate:  Lots. I hate doing the dishes, although once I'm actually doing them I dont mind as much. I think it's the process of getting started that's overwhelming. I don't enjoy laundry, especially now that there's so much of it. How does one little person have so many dirty things?! I hate cleaning the bathroom, thankfully my husband assumes that job. I also hate working in the yard. Yuck. Bugs and dirt, blech. I think yard work (including garbage duty) is a boy's job.
Dessert I can't resist: Wow, where to start? I have a super sweet tooth. I love Jr. Mints (plain or with popcorn), Redvines, Mint Milano cookies, eclairs... many others. Those are the treats that I cannot say no to, even if my tummy feels like it will explode I will still make room for these!
Essential start of your day: I got into the habit awhile back of saying my morning prayers while I was in the shower. I know it's not really the most reverant way to pray, but it helps me remember. It's usually a pretty casual conversation with my HF, but I look forward to my little habit each morning. It helps start my day off by remembering the things I have and am thankful for and I can ask for a little extra help to get through the day, week, etc.
Favorite color: Green. It's been my favorite since I was little and even though it may change for a few days, I still keep coming back to it. I do however have a couple different favorite colors for different instances. My favorite color on a car is white, my favorite crayon is magenta ( I would always steal this one from the box and keep it in my school desk when I was little), my favorite color to wear lately is blue, my favorite color for my husband to wear is either black or red.
Graduated high school/college: I graduated from Roy High in 2005. I loved high school. I seriously had so much fun and loved just about every minute of it. I made some life long friends there and so many good memories. I went to Weber State right after I graduated but had a really hard time transitioning. I have tried to go back several times but college just isn't a good fit for me right now. Maybe someday.
How I would spend the $10 I found in my pocket: Normally, and maybe today if I happen to find some extra cash, I would go buy me a yummy lunch to brighten up my work day. But lately if we have any extra cash at all it goes into our always-dwindling-checking account, our trying-to-grow-savings account, or into our date jar so we can go do something fun.
Instruments you play: absolutely nothing. I have no musical ability whatsoever. I can't even whistle. I wanted to learn to play the clarinet in jr. high, and in high school I really wanted a guitar so I could be in a band. Neither of those worked out.
Job (first): Does babysitting count? I did a lot of that when I was younger. I loved playing with and taking care of little kids. My first legit job was for the local paper, writing for the teen section. I think I got a total of two paychecks from there. I did get published tho. Yay for me.
Kids: Little Hiccup is five months old today. Holy cow how time is flying. He's crawling, sitting up, eating like a champ, and smiling up a storm. Gosh, I love him so much. He makes my life more complete. He makes me want ten more kids and then none at the same time so I can spoil the heck out of him.

Languages I speak: I took Spanish through jr high and high school but can only remember bits and pieces. I also know a little bit of sign language from some summer classes.
Middle name: My mom's family doesn't like giving girls middle names. I always wished I had one though. When I was younger I pretended it was Michelle. Later I had a couple friends give me funny ones like Jasmine and Tampico. If I have a little girl, she will have a middle name.
Nickname: technically the name I go by is a nickname, but I have a few other random ones. My family calls me Colee, my husband calls me Honey, and I also respond to Arizona, Crazy, Nik, Cole, Emily, and a few others I'm sure.
Odd talent I have: I am pretty good at finding things; my mom always used to wake me up early in the morning to help her find stuff so she could leave for work.
Pet peeves: Wow. I have so many. That makes me sound like a terrible person, so I'll try and limit my list to just a few things. I have road rage bad, I hate when people don't signal or leave their signal on for way too long, cut me off, drive way too slow, follow too close.. the list is endless. I hate when people say words wrong : pacific for specific, supposably for supposedly, ah, there are so many others. I hate when people sniff or blow their nose, yuck. I hate when people are fake nice, when they treat others poorly, and people that think 10% is a decent tip.
Quote from a movie: I'll pick one of my favorites, The Sandlot : "If you were thinking you wouldn't have thought that." Love it.

 Right or Left handed: I'm right handed, but I've noticed that I put my belt on left handed and also use the paper cutter left handed.
Song I always sing along to: Ride With Me by Nelly; Yeah by Lil John, Ludacris, Usher; anything by Queen; Three Little Birds by Bob Marley; Something Like That by Tim McGraw
Time I wake up: If I wake up by 7:00 then I'm usually on time for work. I'm getting better about not hitting snooze so many times.
oUt of the country visits: None yet. One day. I will get some stamps in my passport.
Vegetables I like & dislike: I'm a veggie girl. I like lots. Some of my favorites are green peppers, cucumbers, zucchini, yellow squash, and green beans. I don't like avacados, artichokes, olives, eggplants, and onions.
What makes me run late: When Hiccup wakes up off schedule and needs some attention, when my husband runs late then I run late by default. Bad hair days, misplacing things, finding something to wear, and school zones all make me run late in the morning too. In general tho, I run late because I underestimate how long it will take to accomplish something or how long it will take me to get to my destination.
X-rays I've had done: I think my feet and my teeth are the only xrays I can remember. I've had a number of ctscans and ultrasounds though.
Yummy food I make: Most of the yummy things I make are treats: oatmeal cookies, peanut butter bars, scotcharoos, and blondies are a few favorites. I have figured out how to make a yummy Asian-like sauce that we fry noodles in and marinate meat in. It's pretty good.
Zoo animal: When I was younger I thought it would be so cool to have a white tiger as a pet. I was obviously a pretty dumb little kid. I haven't been to the zoo in a very long time, and almost every time I remember being there it was rainy and miserable. I guess if I went to the zoo today I'd be excited about seeing pandas or koalas, kangaroos, penguins, otters, and prairie dogs.

 Now you know more than you ever cared to know about me. You're welcome.


  1. Nikkie, I'm so glad you decided to start a blog! You are serously one awesome, fun-loving, wonderful girl!! I've always adored you and your sweet personality, it is so fun getting to know you all over again. :)

  2. Ps, sorry for all the misspelled words, I can only imagine you cringing while reading any of my comments. LOL.

    1. Cherie, you are so sweet. I look at your blog all the time. I have so many people around me for inspiration :0) I have loved learning about you too!
