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Monday, January 27, 2014


Casey has been working on my birthday present for awhile and surprised me with a new blog. I will be writing and ranting and posting pictures from there from now on so give it a look see and check back often :0)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Week 26

Baby is: twenty six weeks
Size of: zucchini

Big Developments: Baby’s ears are more sensitive and can tell the difference between different voices. Baby is inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid. Baby’s lungs are fully developed but not ready to breathe in air yet.

Symptoms: my back, hips, and pelvis hurt most of the time. Sleeping is miserable. I still have a stuffy nose and get nosebleeds occasionally.

Thoughts: I feel like I ballooned out overnight. My tummy seems huge all of a sudden. It’s officially time to retire any clothes that aren't maternity. I feel like skirts and tights squeeze the life out of me so I think it’ll be mostly pants from here on out. Most of my weight gain is in my hips and bum. I haven’t noticed any new stretch marks but my old ones are looking so attractive. My belly button still goes in a bit but will be flat pretty soon.

Baby boy: We played Johnny Cash one night to see how baby would react. He was bouncing around like crazy; not sure if that was a good reaction or not. He likes the mellow nighttime playlist. He hits my bladder a lot lately which sends a sharp pain through me.

Name: The Veto List (so far) 
We've nixed these names based on what it reminds us of, what it rhymes with, dumb possible nicknames, how it sounds with our last name, just plain dislike. Most of these were my suggestions that got shot down. *Casey picked out these
Asher, Arthur, *Archer, Axton, Arc, Ansel, Anson, *Atlas, Alaric, *Alistair, Abel,
Bruin, Beck
Cyper,*Cyrus, Cy, Colsen,
Elliott, Elias, Ezra, Elijah, *Eiger
Finn, Ferris
Jack, James, Jude      
Kian, Knox, Keaton
Layne, Ledger, Louis, Lennox, *Locke
Pax, Parker
Ridge, Ronan
Silas, Soren, Stellan
Will, Wynn                                               
Cravings & Aversions: I’m not eating most types of meat. I eat a hamburger occasionally and I seem to tolerate ground meat ok but in another form it grosses me out. 

Weeks 24 & 25

Baby is: twenty four weeks
Size of: an ear of corn

Big Developments: His lungs and brain are continuing to develop. He may have hair on his head.

Symptoms: I am super forgetful and clumsy. If I don’t have a list I will forget what I’m doing or what needs to be done. I’m not sleeping great and my pelvis is super sore in the morning and after I get home from work.

Thoughts: I had two bad baby dreams. In one I was bleeding really bad so I needed to go to the hospital. My mom wouldn't take me and Casey got lost on our way there. It was terrible. In the other dream I delivered at home and had the baby all wrapped up but he stopped breathing. We were panicking trying to get him to breathe and we hadn't named him yet so we didn't know what to call him to help motivate him. Ugh. It was a rough night for sleep. I feel like my belly is really popping out. I still have two pair of regular pants I can wear and a few shirts but I think I’ll be heading into mostly maternity clothes from now on.

Baby boy: is making himself comfortable. He stays mostly on the right side and has discovered my ribs which tickle when he moves. We listened to Queen the other night and he kicked along to the music. He is getting stronger and sometimes his movements make me jump. We bought his bedding this week! I’m so excited to finally get something for the room that’s just his. We got it from Land of Nod again since we loved Hiccup’s bedding so much.

Name: Deciding on a name this time around is so much harder! Every name I come up with reminds Casey of something dumb or we come up with a silly nickname that people might call him. I just want something simple, yet unique. I want it to be easy to say and spell and sound good with our last name. It really shouldn't be this difficult. Casey is still set on a name and while I like it, I don’t love it. I want to love the name that we've chosen and be excited to meet him and give him that name.

Cravings & Aversions: Salads and fruit taste so good but that doesn't stop me from eating tons of candy and pumpkin-chocolate-chip cupcakes. I had a small piece of turkey at Thanksgiving and handled it OK. I was nervous that nothing at dinner was going to sound good but I ate till I was full.

Baby is: twenty five weeks
Size of: an acorn squash or a rutabaga; neither of which have I ever eaten

Big Developments: Nails are forming on his fingers and toes. He is growing longer and gaining more weight.

Symptoms: sleeping is pretty miserable which is hard since I’m really tired. I also have a hard time falling asleep some nights which makes no sense to me. My pelvis is painful constantly so the Dr suggested wearing a belt thing under my belly. We will see if that helps. My skin is ridiculously dry, especially on my hands and lips. My hair and nails are still growing quickly. I gained 7 pounds this month. Yikes! I guess that’s what happens with Thanksgiving and yummy Christmas time food.

Thoughts: We got baby Hank’s bedding yesterday. I’m excited at how it will coordinate with Hiccup’s. I can’t wait to get their room set up.

Baby boy: He is wiggling more and more. I've noticed hiccups a few times but they don’t last for very long. He is super spread out in my belly. Dr said my uterus is measuring a month bigger so we will keep an eye on measurements at my next appointment and adjust my due date if we need to then.

Name: I’m bouncing around a few in my head. I like all of them but nothing has stuck quite yet. He’s still baby Hank. I really think that I’m going to have to meet him to decide on a name. It seems like every week I have a new name that I like.

Cravings & Aversions: I’m eating chocolate like nobody’s business. I’m trying to eat more fruits and veggies as snacks instead of candy all the time. 

Weeks 22 & 23

Baby is: twenty two weeks
Size of: a papaya

Big Developments: Baby has eyebrows and his eyes can sense light better. His hearing is improving and his brain is continuing to develop. The pancreas is developing.

Symptoms: My skin is so dry. I’ve been trying a few different things to see what helps. I broke out in a really bad rash over the weekend. It was red and itchy and covered my whole torso and chest. I had to rub cortisone on it and use fragrance free lotion and baby wash.  

Thoughts: Hiccup seems so big to me lately. He looks so big in his crib and he looks so grown up in his clothes. I know that once the baby comes he will seem so huge to me. It makes me so sad that he’s growing up so quickly but I love all the things he is doing and learning.

Baby boy: reminds me so much of his big brother. He is very wiggly at night time, especially when I’m trying to fall asleep. His movements are getting bigger so I can see my belly move when I watch it. He moves around a lot when I eat cereal or hot chocolate.

Name: We have gotten a few suggestions on names from friends but we still haven’t loved anything. I’m hoping to stumble upon a name one day that I will immediately love and be excited about. I like the idea of a simple, one syllable name but I also want to explore names that end in ‘er’ to go along with Hiccup's name.

Cravings & Aversions: I feel really dehydrated so I've been trying my best to drink a lot of water. Fresh things like veggies, salads, and fruit sound really good. Breakfast foods are still my favorite. I have been drinking a ton of milk.

Baby is: twenty three weeks
Size of: a mango

Big Developments: His inner ear is fully formed so he can hear everything that’s going on. Taste buds have formed.

Symptoms: I am very light-headed, especially in the morning. I have to take lots of breaks while I’m getting ready. It’s getting harder to carry Hiccup around because my body is getting bigger and I get tired quicker. I’m getting heartburn almost daily and it doesn’t matter what I eat. I get a rash almost daily and I feel super itchy no matter what moisturizer I use. I’ve been getting night sweats the last couple nights.

Thoughts: It’s driving me crazy to wait around to buy things for baby. I want to have his crib and start putting the boys’ room together. I know that I just need to take my time and wait a bit since we don’t have things organized enough right now to do all that.

Baby boy: is very active, mostly first thing in the morning and late at night. He moves around a lot after I eat too. I’m starting to feel him spread out a little more in my belly. I can watch my belly and see his movements. 

Name: Casey is set on a name but I’m not sure about it. It ends with an ‘s’ which I don’t like so I’m trying hard to come up with an alternative he likes just as well. I send him new names everyday but he never seems to like any of them. I think I've narrowed it down to a few names. They all start with ‘a’. One is a name we planned on using but can’t commit to right now, one is Casey’s favorite, and the last is one I keep coming back to and can’t get out of my mind. I told Casey that we might have to wait to meet our little boy to decide on a name.

Cravings & Aversions: I eat a lot of cereal and a lot of granola bars and cookies. I have soda only occasionally because I know I should be drinking tons of water, but it just tastes so good. 

Week 21

Baby is: twenty one weeks
Size of: a pomegranate

Big Developments: We got to see baby’s brain and its two parts. We looked at baby’s heart and its four chambers. It was pumping so quickly and doing so much work. We saw baby’s tiny stomach and his kidneys. We saw his full bladder and all his bones which are growing and getting stronger. Baby weighed 12 ounces and is growing a few days behind schedule but I’m totally ok with that.

Gender: Baby is a boy! We are so excited for Hiccup to have a little brother and buddy to grow up and play with. Baby showed us almost immediately his little parts but kept his face covered most of the time. Casey was pretty surprised but I felt like baby was a boy from the beginning. I’m glad to finally know so we can start planning. We went shopping after the appointment and got baby some new little jammies. I would have been very excited either way, but I am relieved that financially this will (hopefully) be less stressful as we can reuse a lot of what we already have. 

Big News: We got together with our families on Sunday and showed them the ultrasound video. Everyone was surprised because they all thought baby was a girl. We are all excited for Hiccup to have a little brother.

Symptoms: My hips and pelvis hurt constantly. I feel like I’m waddling already. Moving around and changing positions at night is miserable. I feel like my body is acting like my belly is huge; this makes me nervous for it to actually get huge. I will feel and walk like an old lady.  I went to physical therapy and found out how out of shape I am. I tore my hip flexor in high school and apparently it won't heal without surgery. Baby’s position is making that flare up so there isn't a ton that I can do about the pain. I can stretch and strengthen the surrounding muscles but it may not help. I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions a few times each day. Sometimes they are painful but mostly just annoying. My lips are super chappy, the cold weather doesn’t help.

Thoughts: I found and priced a lot of the bigger items we need for baby. I know I will have to scale back on some of it since we don’t have oodles of money to spend. I’m hoping we’ll be able to get a little help with stuff for Christmas. We had our targeted ultrasound this week. We got a good look at baby’s little bod and all the cushioning in there that provides him with a safe spot to grow. It was so fun to see his little features and start envisioning what he will look like when we meet him. He covered his face the whole time (just like Hiccup) but we did get some good profile pics which I am excited about. Baby looks like he has Casey’s nose but I think he will still look a lot like his big brother.

Baby boy: is moving around with bigger movements. Usually when I lift up my shirt I can tell exactly where he is by the lump that sticks out. He is becoming less cooperative when it comes to Casey feeling him but he is a wiggly one. I think I might have noticed hiccups but they didn’t last long.

Name: Picking a name is going to be a giant challenge. I wrote down a list of possibilities and Casey and I each picked our favorite 3-4. None of them were the same. We each didn’t like the other’s picks for one reason or another. I have middle name possibilities that I’m sticking to no matter what, but it’ll depend on what we decide for a first name to what the middle name will end up being. At least we’re set on a last name. Right now his nickname is Hank like baby #1’s was Hiccup. It’s an easy way to not reveal the name once we've decided so we can keep it a secret till he’s born.

Cravings & Aversions: I’ve been eating sweet things like crazy. I need to cool it and stock up on some fruits and veggies. I am up four pounds from my last appointment. That’s one pound per week. Technically that’s what I’m supposed to be gaining from now on, but I don’t want to gain that much weight this time around. I need to be better about taking care of my body. 

Weeks 19 & 20

Baby is: nineteen weeks
Size of: a softball

Big Developments:   Baby’s brain is designating specialized areas for all the different senses. Baby’s kidneys are making urine and may be growing some hair on his head.

Gender: We are on a ten day count down to baby’s targeted ultrasound. I am so excited. I know that I’ll immediately want to go shopping as soon as we are done and get some cute things for the babe. I’m going back and forth being excited about a girl and a boy. I know that we will be so happy with either one. I know that we are meant to have a girl and another boy in our family so it will be interesting to see who is next. We are back to discussing not telling anyone if we find out. I think keeping a secret would be really fun.

Big News: We got together with our friends Dake and Amanda this week and we clued them in on our news; we forgot to officially tell them the last time we saw them.

Symptoms: Heartburn; when I eat, when I don’t eat, while I’m eating. It keeps me up at night and makes it hard to catch my breath. I’m starting to have restless legs when I sit too long or at night when I’m trying to get comfortable to fall asleep. I can usually fall asleep to take a nap, but at night it’s almost impossible. It has been taking a few hours for me to fall asleep each night and nothing seems to help. I have also been getting night sweats which wake me up. I have been having a lot of round ligament pain in my lower abdomen and sometimes in my groin and hips.

Thoughts: Baby stays mostly on my right side, just like Hiccup did. I can feel the most movement late at night when I’m trying to sleep and in the late afternoon after I have eaten lunch.

Cravings & Aversions: I've been wanting ethnic type food, mostly Chinese and Mexican food. I've eaten a lot of ham-fried rice and enchiladas always sound good. I've been trying really hard just to drink water or crystal light even though soda sounds really good.  I had some cut up chicken in a salad and it tasted so bad to me.

Baby is: twenty weeks
Length of: a carrot or banana

Big Developments:   Baby is swallowing more which is good practice for the digestive system.

Gender: We get to finally find out this week. I am so excited. I can’t wait to be able to figure out a name and start making plans for each of the babies’ rooms.

Big News: I think once we know what the baby is then we can post something on the internet to tell the rest of our friends who might care.

Symptoms: I am getting tired much easier. My hips, legs, and back hurt when I move around a lot, or if I don’t move around enough. My skin is so dry and bleeds easily. I hate it. My stomach gets really itchy about half way through the day. I've been using coconut oil when I get out of the shower but I need to find something I can use during the day. I feel really swollen and kind of beat up.

Thoughts: Hiccup loves looking at pictures of babies lately so it makes me excited to see how he will be with the new baby. I think he will be eager to help with the new baby. I can already see him trying to put the bottle or binky in his mouth. I feel like time is finally going by really quickly. I can’t believe we’re already at the half way point. I feel like since there are so many holidays coming up that baby will be here so soon. I’m wearing a few maternity tops but not pants quite yet. I feel like my wardrobe is shrinking so it makes getting ready in the morning kind of a pain. We’re still taking pictures every week but those are getting to be a challenge as well.

Cravings & Aversions: I eat at least 2-3 bowls of cereal a day. My mouth is getting raw from all the cocoa puffs and Trix I eat. I don’t really want any type of meat so we've been having mostly starches and veggies at our house. I’m sure Casey is getting sick of our limited menu.

Weeks 17 & 18

Baby is: seventeen weeks
Size of: an apple

Big Developments:  Baby’s bones are thickening and the umbilical cord is getting stronger and thicker. Sweat glands are starting to develop. Baby is starting to be able to hear sounds.

Gender: I scheduled the big ultrasound so now we have a four week countdown to find out what baby is. It should be fun to hear everyone’s guesses and see everyone’s reaction when we finally find out. I’m getting anxious since people are constantly asking if we know the gender and when we will find out.

Big News: I talked to my friend Tayler this week and she was excited for us. She has a new little one so it was good to get her perspective.

Symptoms: Dry, dry skin; chappy lips; stuffy nose. My skin is terrible. I’m out of shape and getting sore easily. I gained 5 pounds in the last month, yikes. I need to be more conscious of what I’m eating and actually try to do something active.  

Thoughts: I went to the dr on Friday. This was the first appointment Casey hasn’t been to but it was a quick one so I survived. I got to hear baby’s heartbeat (140s), and discussed my symptoms and weight gain. I have had three dreams so far about going in to labor. In two of them I was just over 20 weeks and we didn’t know the sex of the baby yet and I was terrified because I knew it was too early for baby to be coming. Casey can feel the baby wiggling around. This baby is a little more cooperative when I have Casey try and feel. I think it also helps that Casey knows what to feel for this time around.

Cravings & Aversions: I want vegetables, salads, and more salty stuff lately. I still love sweets but I'm drawn to actually craving fresh things and salty/cheesy things.

Baby is: eighteen weeks
Size of: a bell pepper

Big Developments:  Baby is moving around more and more, which I am noticing. The blood vessels are visible through the skin and his ears are in their final position. The boy/girl parts are continuing to develop and are visible if we had an ultrasound.

Gender: I find myself switching back and forth from calling the baby he and she. I’m testing out different names and seeing what sounds natural. We definitely have our girl name picked out but are stuck on a picking out a boy name.

Big News: I told my visiting teachers this week. 

Symptoms: Trips to the bathroom are usually an emergency where I have to hurry my fastest. My nails are growing fast and I’ve noticed my hair grows pretty fast as well. I am not lucky enough to have the pregnancy ‘glow’; instead I have lovely pregnancy acne. I am very clumsy and easily irritated. I am having a hard time falling asleep at night and falling back to sleep if I wake up. I wake up at least once during the night for a bathroom break; usually more just to try and get comfortable. My tummy sure is growing. I can’t tell if I’m getting new stretch marks or if the ones from Hiccup are just getting worse. I’m not wearing maternity clothes yet but I think I will make that move, at least with pants, very soon. My gums are bleeding when I brush my teeth, but only at nighttime.

Thoughts: Baby is noticeably more active lately. I haven’t been able to determine a specific schedule yet but there is usually a lot of activity at night or after I eat. I had some hot chocolate and baby went crazy! I have noticed that baby wakes up early just like Hiccup used to. I think it’s cuz he’s hungry and wants to remind me to eat. I think I’m looking more noticeably pregnant now. My belly is still pudgy and low but now it looks less like a big meal and more like a bump.

Cravings & Aversions: I want cereal all the time. I like to eat crackers lately. I tried some chicken from Cheesecake Factory, that I usually love, over the weekend and couldn't even eat 1/3 of it because the texture was grossing me out. 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Making 2014 Count {Embracing & Believing}

I can't believe that it's a new year already. 2013 went by so quickly that it's hard to look back and distinguish some of our best and biggest moments. We went to a MLB baseball game without leaving the state, we celebrated Hiccup's first birthday and a few days later learned that he was going to be a big brother. We took Hiccup to the zoo and took baby Hank to his first concert. Casey started two new jobs and I began a new position at the bank. I say goodbye to my tonsils and hello to baby Liam.

2013 had its rough and daunting moments, I don't know anyone who doesn't experience those, but it was a good year for our little family. We decided to expand and yet scale back. With our new babe joining our family in a  few months Casey and I made the decision to have me stay home during the day with my boys. I have worked at the bank for over five years so it was a decision that was hard to make. With my new position, working part time wasn't an option so I had to decide either to continue working or leave and stay home. I have always wanted to stay home with my babies, but it's also a huge change for me and I have to admit I'm more than a little nervous. Will I be a good mama? Will I be able to devote the necessary time and attention to both boys to make them feel loved and teach them the things they need to know? Will I be able to keep my sanity while home all day with two young boys?

Because of all my questions and self doubts I have chosen to focus this new year based on two words. EMBRACE & BELIEVE. I need to be able to embrace the challenges that will inevitably be coming our way. Going from two incomes to one is a scary thing. I need to believe that a way will be provided for us each month to pay for the things that we need and save for the things that we want. I need to believe that we are making the right decision for our family and embrace the crazy days that lie ahead of us. I want to enjoy all the funny, simple things that make each day worth while. I need to let the smiles and giggles outweigh the whining and fussiness (from both kids and adults!).

I need to embrace the strength my children and husband provide to me by them just being in my life. They are truly the reason I am here. My family is my calling and I need to glorify in the amazing work I get to experience with them. I want to be able to play and explore with my babies. I want to teach them and learn from them.

I need to (remember to) believe that there is a plan for us, that we have a Heavenly Father who is watching over us. He provides for us and wants the best for us. I need to embrace the trials and challenges that this life holds and believe that I have the strength to make it through.

All of this sounds so simple in writing but I know that this next year, despite all of its many blessings, will be a challenge for us. Days will be long and they will seem rough. Money will run out and financially we might just barely get by. Good days will pass by too quickly and my babies will grow up faster than I want them to.

But I am looking forward to meeting baby Hank and having him join our family. I can't wait to see Hiccup in his role as big brother. I am excited to spend all day with my babies. I am excited for Casey to continue to thrive in a career that he loves and grateful that he is willing to work hard to give me the chance at my dream career.

So, farewell 2013. Welcome 2014 and all the craziness you may bring.