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Thursday, January 31, 2013


I stumbled across these pictures today. My little brother makes me laugh. He never takes himself too seriously, which I love about him because he is constantly doing things to make me smile and shake my head... and then tell everyone about it later!


I'm not sure what his fascination with his eyebrows is all about. In the first picture he came down to the kitchen after his shower dressed in his bathrobe. He kept making funny faces at me and then I realized, his eyebrow was gone! He shaved it off! I told him I'd draw him a new one, I'm pretty talented as you can tell. The next picture is of his 'highlighted' brows.. with an actual highlighter. I told him about how my friend got dared to highlight her brows in school and he thought it sounded like a funny thing to do. Go figure. Gosh, I'm glad I have my camera with me at times like this :0)

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Just a Dream

Last night I had a dream I was back in high school. I have similar dreams quite a bit. The school never looks quite the same, and sometimes I'm married, but usually I'm always in my senior year and trying to graduate. The other day my husband asked me, if given the chance, would I go back to high school. I told him if I could go back with the same people, absolutely. I loved high school. There were some rough parts and some not-so-great-decisions made, but for the most part it was wonderful. I loved being involved and getting dressed up for games and dances. I loved spending every waking moment with my friends.

Looking back at the whole experience, one of my favorite memories has to be the closing assembly my senior year. At the end of each assembly, the seniors would go up to the front and lead the school in the school song. Knowing that it would probably be the last time I ever sung the song I got a little emotional. After the song was sung, in all its glory, we all stayed congregated at the front of the auditorium while the rest of the room dispersed. So many people stayed up there and we just talked...about things we had done while in school together, the day we met, stupid things we did that made us laugh. I talked and laughed and cried with people I hadn't been close to since elementary school. I hugged people I never thought I would ever hug. I forgave people I knew I probably wouldn't see again. I loved that moment. I bet we stayed up on the stage for over an hour just reminiscing of days past and wishing we could relive them over and over.
So many of my friends, I met in high school; most of whom I still keep in contact with. They are some of my favorite people and are part of some of my favorite memories. I know that even if I haven't seen or talked to them in awhile, that we could still pick up right where we left off and have a great time.
I was good at high school. I was good at making friends and being involved. I was good at loving my school. I wasn't so good at always going to class or having the greatest grades, but I made it through. Without even realizing it, high school shaped me for who I would become.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Movie Monday {movies from my childhood}

Yes, I'm aware that it's a Tuesday and not in fact Monday, but I had yesterday off so I'm considering today my Monday. Thanks for playing along.

I grew up going to the movies with my family. We frequented the drive in during the summer and visited the local movie rental place at least once a week. While we were there, more often than not, we had a tendency to rent our favorite movies--movies we had seen over and over and pretty much had memorized but for some strange reason we didn't own. To this day, I still love these movies. They hold a magic place in my memory; some movies just have that affect on you.

A LEAGUE OF THEIR OWN starring Tom Hanks and Geena Davis

"You ever hear Dad introduce us to people? "This is our daughter Dottie, and this is our other daughter, Dottie's sister." Should've just had you and bought a dog!"
" May our feet be swift; may our bats be mighty; may our balls... be plentiful."
"Who's Lou?"
"And how about Marla Hooch? What a hitter."
and of course the classic, "There's no crying in baseball!"
I first watched this movie at the babysitter's house and I loved it. I already loved baseball, and girls playing baseball was even better. I quote this movie all the time even though hardly anyone knows what I'm talking about.

ADVENTURES IN BABYSITTING starring Elisabeth Shue, Maia Brewton, & Keith Coogan

"Nobody leaves this place without singing the blues."
"My only shot at ever being in a gang fight and all I get is one stitch? Chris is gonna think I'm a total failure!"
"Now boys, if either of you give me any grief I swear to God I'll kill you. Dead, murdered, stabbed."
"Brad, no chocolate! Your acne! Sara. It is time for your cough syrup. Daryl, fasten the seat belt!"
"Ya think?"
"Take it back Brad, take back what you said about Thor."
My mom rented this movie for us because she saw it awhile before and liked it. Don't mind that they say the f-word in it a few times; I'm pretty sure the whole family's eyes were huge when that part came on ;0) Still, it is so funny and entertaining and full of lots of good one liners.

BIG starring Tom Hanks, Elizabeth Perkins, and Robert Loggia

"It's a glow-in-the-dark compass ring. So you don't get lost."
"Got it, got it, need it, got it..."
"She spent the last three months writing down her married name. "Mrs. Judy Hicks", "Mrs. Donald Hicks"; "Mrs. Judy Mitchellson Hicks", sometimes with a hyphen, sometimes without a hyphen. Sometimes, she spells the hyphen."
"Three dimes, a hundred dollar bill and 87 ones."
"Memories, in the corner of my mind; misty water colored memories of the way we were. Scattered pictures..."
If you haven't seen or don't like this movie, then I'm not sure if we can be friends. It's one of my favorites, whenever it comes on tv I can't help but watch it. I think his friend Billy deserves more credit than he gets, he's a great part of the show.

THE PRINCESS BRIDE starring Cary Elwes, Mandy Patinkin, & Robin Wright

"Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
"Inigo: Fezzik, are theyre rocks ahead?
Fezzik: If there are, we'll all be dead.
Vizzini: No more rhymes now, I mean it.
Fezzik: Anybody want a peanut?"
"You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
"All right. Where is the poison? The battle of wits has begun. It ends when you decide and we both drink, and find out who is right... and who is dead."
"Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who says differently is selling something."
"I'm not a witch, I'm your wife."
"As you wish."
This is another movie I first saw at the babysitter's. It has action, romance, good vs evil, humor, and an awesome cast of characters. Ah, I love this movie.

HOOK starring Robin Williams, Dustin Hoffman, & Julia Roberts

"You know that place between sleep and awake? That place where you still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you... Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting."
"Peter Pan's my... dad?"
"What would the world be like without Captain Hook?"
"Goodmorning Neverland!"
"Run home Jack! Run home Jack!"
"Hook's gone!"
"Oh, there you are, Peter!"
"Bangarang Rufio!"
I've got to say, I have always loved the story of Peter Pan, and to see this movie as a different perspective works well and does the story justice in my opinion. Peter and Tink wouldn't be my original casting choices, but they do a good job and I believe them as their characters. When I was little I had a crush on Rufio and Jack, and just recently I discovered that Captain Hook is Dustin Hoffman. I honestly had no idea!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Words of Wisdom for a Wednesday

I came across a quote today while I was working in one of my notebooks. It is from a talk given by Craig C. Christensen at the October 2012 General Conference. It says, "Blessings are given as a result of our personal desire to receive them and come as we align our lives with the will of God and seek His constant direction." It was something I definitely needed to read. So often I find myself struggling and praying for blessings of comfort and strength and faith, but am I really doing all that I could be to help my HF bless me?

Friday, January 11, 2013

One at a Time

It's snowy days like today that make me want to be cozy and drink hot cocoa and read or watch movies all day while I'm wrapped in a big blanket. But, I get to be at work. I am very thankful for the job that I have and the people I work with that I can call my friends. Don't get me wrong, if (when) the day comes that Casey has a job that pays well enough I will jump at the chance to stay home with my babies. For now, that is not what life has given us but it is a goal we will work towards. Speaking of goals, let me segue into my actual topic, I am getting excited about one of my resolution thingies that I didn't officially make. I just finished reading my first book of 2013. Yay for me. I used to read all the time and then I got pregnant and sick and somehow my body and brain connected reading to being sick so I got nauseous everytime I read for more than five minutes. It wasn't fun. I pushed through it at the end of my pregnancy and read (for the second time) the book that inspired Hiccup's name. I also was able to finish another book just days before heading to the hospital. Reading as a brand new mom didn't really work for me. I picked sleep over almost any other activity. Now, six months later, I am getting back into this reading groove. The book that kicked off this year was Crossed by Ally Condie. It is the sequel to Matched, which I read and really enjoyed, last year. It was a typical second (filler) book. Not a ton of anything happened, but enough emotion and interest to push the story forward to get me excited for the third book. The story overall wasn't fabulous, but what the book did for me was. It got me excited about reading again. I finished the book last night and first thing this morning I was on the library's website requesting books. I love the library. Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card... Arthur... anyone remember that? What an awesome place. I  think I'd like to be a librarian if I ever got the chance, maybe while my kids are old enough to be at school and Casey is away at his amazing dream job making us oodles (enough to pay bills and have a little fun) of money. Anyway, I'm off to pick up my second book of the year and hopefully this blissful stage of reading glory will continue in the upcoming months. I currently have a list of about 100 books I'd like to read although I am always welcome to suggestions. I love being able to talk with friends or family or even strangers about the good books we are reading and have read. Ah, it makes me smile just thinking about the joy of getting so immersed in the stories and characters. I love it.

Monday, January 7, 2013

A mini TRIBUTE of sorts {Hiccup}

Warning. If you don't want to read about my child or look at way too many pictures of his cute face, this is probably not the post for you. Just don't tell me any of that to my face. Just nod along and smile and pretend like you care. I'll do the same thing with your child ;0)

This is just a mini tribute, seeing as my babe is still mini and not quite six months old. Still, he is mine, and therefore amazing so I thought I'd share.

Hiccup was born on a Thursday bright and early in the am after about 12 hours of labor. He was wide eyed and so alert, taking in everything around him. He met lots of people in the first few moments of his life. I wasn't sure how I'd feel when he was born; if I'd let people hold him or if I'd be so wrapped up in him that I'd want him all to myself. I'm very grateful for the support of our family who came to wait out his arrival. I'm glad that he has had the opportunity to meet so many new people. He is a very friendly baby, even if he doesn't smile at you right away, he will let you hold him and play with him. He'll warm up to you with smiles and giggles in his own time.
He was a content baby from the beginning, he was always pleasant and curious. He was kind of a noisy kid. He was really squeaky and he snored and even purred sometimes. Not a lot has changed. Lately he makes a lot of howling and squealing noises. He loves to hear his voice. He is laughing more and more and I am absolutely in love with that sound. He doesn't jabber a whole lot, where it sounds like he's trying to talk, it's more just random sounds and a whole lot of raspberries going on.

Breastfeeding wasn't a great experience for either of us. Baby had a hard time latching and fought me almost the entire time he nursed and was super impatient. It ended up usually with both of us in tears and it was a giant headache. I got a bad infection and continued to struggle. I pumped for awhile and he transitioned really well to a bottle. In the end I only lasted about three months. Judge all you want, I know I sure did before I tried it. Each mama has to do what is best for both her and the baby. Financially it wasn't ideal, but we have made it work and he has done so much better drinking from a bottle. I like that Casey gets time to bond with him as well and that I get a break once in awhile.


Hiccup has been an active kiddo since the day we met him. He never needed much support with his head, his neck was always very strong. He rolled over from belly to back a few days after he was one month old. He rolled from back to belly at 12 weeks old. He has always loved tummy time and was a scooty bug very early. He always tried to army crawl off the blanket and he climbed over his boppy when he was just a tiny guy.

He did well with a binky until he found his thumb and he hasn't looked back from there. I'm glad he likes his thumb. I'm glad he knows that it helps to calm himself down and that he can use it to fall asleep.
And, I like that it's one less thing that I have to keep track of in his bag :0)


This little boy has never been a super sleeper. Every once in awhile he'll sleep the whole night but usually he wakes up once to eat. He acts so starving that I feel bad trying to wean him off of his mid-night feedings. He sticks to a pretty good schedule during the day and his naps are pretty predictable. Through teething and his latest colds it has been a very different story. I sure hope one day he learns to love his sleep. Since he was born he has slept best on his tummy. Again, judge me all you want, but he's survived so far. He was such a strong boy that I never worried about him not being able to move his head if he couldn't breathe. He only liked to be swaddled when he was sick or overtired. It didn't usually last too long but would help him to calm down and fall asleep. He loves his blankies and his cozies (soft animals). If you put either by his face when he's sleepy he will immediately put his thumb in his mouth and calm down. He has always been such a happy baby when he wakes up. That must be why I'm alright with him waking me up. He is usually sitting (or standing) up in his bed peeking out at me with a big grin on his face.

He is such a wiggly, active kid. He doesn't sit still very often. At four months he was crawling and sitting up on his own. A couple of weeks later he learned to pull himself up to the furniture. I'm sure that he'll end up needing stitches before his first birthday because he is already such a dare devil.


We had such a fun Christmas with him. I thought Christmas was fun as a kid but it's so much more fun as a parent. We tried our best not to go over board but I'm sure that's every parent's struggle. We wrapped four presents under the tree for him. Something he wanted (I guessed and picked him out a jumper that hangs from the door), something he needs (bibs), something to wear (red plaid shirts) and something to read (Goodnight Moon). I got the idea from my sister in law and think we will continue this Christmas tradition. Santa doesn't wrap stuff at our house, instead he sets out our bigger presents and stockings. Hiccup headed straight for his loot and wanted to play with everything. He loved being able to make a mess with the wrapping paper and the sound of the paper ripping. He loved the Christmas tree and did a pretty good job of leaving it alone. We'll see how next year goes. He met Santa a few times and seemed unimpressed by his celebrity status. I'm just glad he didn't have a melt down.

Our little boy has been such an incredible blessing in our lives. I never knew that my heart could be this full and that I could love someone this much. I want the very best for him and will do anything in my power to make that possible. He is my favorite little person. He makes me smile and laugh every single day. He makes me want to be a better person- a better mama to him and a better wife to his daddy. I will be forever grateful to my HF for trusting me with this precious boy. I am so proud to call him my own.
He makes my heart and my life so very happy.

I love you Hiccup, oh so very much.