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Monday, December 30, 2013

Week 15 & 16

Baby is: fifteen weeks
Size of: a baseball

Big Developments:  Baby’s eyes can sense light, he is breathing amniotic fluid through his nose to help his lungs develop. His legs are growing longer than his arms and he can move all his limbs.

Gender: I’m noticing cute girl clothes more lately. I’ve looked for bedding for both a boy and a girl. I am very excited to find out what baby is so we can decide on a name and start shopping.

Big News: Some of the higher up people at my work know now. I haven’t told any of my friends really, I’m still waiting for a good time to bring it up.

Symptoms: My nose is super stuffy and sometimes bloody. I am blowing my nose constantly. My skin is super dry, I feel like I need lotion constantly. Some of my work pants are getting tight and I’ve grown out of all my regular bras. My body is getting sore and tired more easily and I have to go to the bathroom a lot more often. My headaches are less frequent but still miserable.

Thoughts: I think I might have felt baby moving a little bit. It was right before I fell asleep so I don’t know if I dreamed it or if it was real. This pregnancy still doesn’t seem real. I feel pretty good most of the time and I’m not looking obviously pregnant yet so it’s still hard to wrap my head around most days.

Cravings & Aversions: I had Casey pick me up some ice cream from Farr’s and it tasted delicious. I love curly fries and most anything breakfast related. Most meat doesn’t sound good, if I do eat it I cant really focus on what I’m eating or I make myself sick.

Baby is: sixteen weeks
Size of: an avocado; for some reason this analogy hit me more realistically than the others. When I look at an avocado and think that the baby is that size, it makes sense that my belly is getting bigger and that I can feel him moving around in there.  

Big Developments:  Baby’s head is more erect and his eyes and ears are close to their final position. Baby has started growing toenails; his heart is pumping 25 quarts of blood each day.

Gender: Everyone keeps asking us when we will find out and what we think it is. It is so weird feeling so different this time around. I knew for sure that Hiccup was a boy, but with this baby I’m less sure and more easily talked in to thinking one way or another. I’m looking at both types of clothes equally instead of just focusing on boy stuff.

Big News: I talked to Nadia about the baby this week when I asked her if she could come to the dr with me. She was really excited for us. It’s still weird to tell people because it doesn’t feel all that real to me yet.

Symptoms: I’ve been getting hot and cold flashes and some dizzy spells. I’ve been easily irritated and very tired. I’m getting out of breath very easy (I need to start exercising) and my back and joints hurt most of the time.

Thoughts: I’m definitely feeling baby moving. It’s mostly at night or when I’m sitting really still. I felt movement a week earlier than I did with Hiccup and it feels more distinct to me instead of just butterfly or popcorn like. I had Casey rest his hand on my belly before bed and he thought he could feel some movement too. I got my first stranger asking if I was pregnant and when I was due. It was a bank customer so I wasn’t too offended at her asking about my growing belly, it was a little weird tho.

Cravings & Aversions: I want ice cream a lot, but dont really get to eat it that often, which is probably a good thing. I'm going through a ton of milk and lots of cereal. Lately veggies sound amazing and when I see people eating on tv, usually no matter what it is, I want whatever they're having. Smells are really bothering me, mostly BBQ and coffee. 

Week 14

Hiccup is 14 months old and baby is 14 weeks old

Baby is: fourteen weeks
Size of: a kiwi; his head is the size of a gumball

Big Developments:  Baby can squint, frown, grimace, pee, grasp, and suck his thumb.

Gender: Some old wives tales gender predictions:
Chinese calendar:  girl (this was right for Hiccup but wrong for Christine and Reese)
 Mayan calendar:  boy
A high heart rate: girl (Our dr with Hiccup said his heart rate sounded like a girl)
Having so many breakouts: girl (but my skin did the same thing with Hiccup)
Not much morning sickness: boy
Craving mostly sweets: girl (but I craved chocolate constantly with Hiccup)
Having my hair grow faster: boy
Genetics on Casey’s side: boy
Casey’s sympathy weight: boy
My nose staying the same size: girl (I don’t think my nose changed with Hiccup)
My clumsiness: boy, but to be fair I’ve always been clumsy.
My hands being dry: a boy (My hands were super dry with Hiccup)
Having a lot of headaches: boy
Only wanting to eat the middle of the bread: girl. I think this is a weird one but I have noticed lately that I don’t want anything to do with the crust on anything.

My pregnancies, with the exception of the weight gain and headaches, have been pretty identical. I still think baby is a boy but I’ve been getting a lot more people asking me about a little girl.

Big News: Brenda told her sisters and her dad so we got to talk to them about it this weekend.

Symptoms: my stomach has been wimpy this week. I felt some movement in my stomach one night but I couldn't tell if it was baby or not. My skin is dry!

Thoughts: I’ve been wearing my belly bands but I haven’t worn any maternity pants yet. I tried on some maternity shirts but they are pretty stretched out from wearing them with Hiccup so I think I’ll have to wait till my belly pokes out a bit more to wear them.  I feel like I’m just growing in my belly and my chest. I am excited to finally be able to feel the baby move. I’ve heard that after your first pregnancy you are able to recognize the baby’s movement earlier but we will see. I am in my second trimester and hoping to start feeling better! Although, if my headaches are pregnancy related then my dr said they will only get worse.

Cravings & Aversions: I still want cereal a lot. I like jamba juice lately so I go there once a week. I want hard ice cream; the soft serve texture grosses me out. I don’t want soft tacos, big pieces of chicken or hotdogs still.

Weeks 12 & 13

Baby is: Twelve weeks
Size of: a lime

Big Developments:  Baby is developing reflexes: fingers will open and close, his mouth begins to suck, toes will curl, and eyes will clench. His eyes have moved to the front of his head.

Gender: Several people this week have told us they think baby is a girl.

Big News: We told both sets of my grandparents, and Casey’s dad’s side of the family this week.

Symptoms: Still with the migraines. It has been pretty awful.

Thoughts: Casey and I finally discussed names. We are basically on the same page as far as a boy’s name; there is definitely room for possibilities. My belly is poking out. I washed my box of maternity clothes and added them to my closet. I will most likely need a few more items.

Cravings & Aversions: Textures are really bothering me. If I think too much while I'm eating then I get grossed out really easily. 

Baby is: thirteen weeks
Size of: a lemon

Big Developments:  fingerprints have formed, the vocal cords are developing, the intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to the abdomen.

Gender: We have lots of people thinking baby is a girl. We get asked almost everyday what we think baby is, and what we want.

Big News: We told Angie and Corinne this week. I haven’t told most of my friends yet, I’m waiting for the right time I think.

Symptoms: Still with the headaches; my medicine is helping a bit to calm the headaches but I’m dizzy for the first hour after I take them. My stomach hurts most of the time from some sort of cramping. My back has a constant dull ache. My face is broken out and my skin is dry and itchy.

Thoughts: We had a dr appointment this week. Dr checked baby’s heartbeat which was 164. We started with the weekly belly pictures. It will be fun to compare the two pregnancies just based on the belly. I know I am already much bigger than I was with Hiccup at this stage.  This all still doesn’t seem real yet. I think once I start to feel baby move and we find out boy or girl it will hit me a little bit. I’m excited to start buying things for the room and buying little jammies and outfits.

Cravings & Aversions: I was able to share some chicken strips with Casey over the weekend; I still don’t want to cook chicken though. I’ve been wanting a lot of Italian type food and breakfast food. We’re going through milk and cereal like crazy. 

Weeks 9, 10, & 11

Baby is: Nine weeks
Size of: a grape

Big Developments: Baby’s heart has divided into four chambers. The tadpole tail is gone, the eyes are fully formed. Baby has earlobes.  
Gender: I go back and forth to thinking about girl things vs. boy things. I’m excited to find out whether we have a boy or girl coming to our family.

Big News: We told our family this weekend. We bought my mom a Berstein’s Bears book “The New Baby” and had Hiccup give it to her for her birthday. She figured it out pretty quickly and was really excited for us. We told Casey’s family on Sunday at the birthday gathering. We played our fun pictionary/charades game and had Casey act it out. Scott and Brenda didn’t figure it out at first but everyone seemed excited for us. It’s nice having our family know what’s going on.

Symptoms: My belly is pudgy! I’m up 4 pounds from my pre-pregnancy weight. I am so tired! I feel like I could sleep all day for several days in a row and still be tired. My mouth tastes terrible all the time. No matter what I eat or how many times I brush my teeth, nothing seems to help.

Thoughts: We had our first dr appointment this week. I did a lot of blood work and we got to see tiny baby on the ultrasound. I was super nervous the whole time. I was shaking while she was doing the ultrasound. I wanted everything to be ok with the babe and I was pretty nervous that there might be two in there. Turns out there was just one. :0) Dr said based on baby’s size that my due date is March 22. We got to hear baby’s heartbeat and got some pictures that we took home to show Hiccup and put on our fridge.

Cravings & Aversions: I have to eat whatever sounds good as soon as it sounds good, otherwise it might not taste good by the time I get around to eating it. Chicken and hotdogs are on the avoid list. I'm really wanting sweet things. 


Baby is: Ten weeks
Size of: an olive

Big Developments: Baby has grown from an embryo to a fetus. Bones and cartilage are forming; the liver and kidneys are formed and are starting to function.

Gender: I think we are all feeling like Hiccup will have a little brother. Casey doesn’t want to talk about names which kind of drives me nuts but once we find out for sure what the baby is we can worry about a name then.

Big News: We haven’t told any more of our friends or family this week. With some people it just slips right out but with others it’s hard to find a good segue into talking about it.

Symptoms: Some of my pants are getting tighter, yuck. I don’t want to have to go buy maternity clothes this early. My boobs are definitely bigger, maybe they’re back to their pre-first pregnancy size? I’m getting heartburn easier and more frequently. I’m getting headaches a ton. My skin is starting to feel dry and itchy most of the time. My hair and nails seem to be growing a lot faster than usual.

Thoughts: I am getting run down a lot easier this time around. I definitely need to rework my schedule so that I’m not such a crazy person trying to accomplish more than I have time and energy for. We bought baby some little jammies. They are blue and have foxes on them. I figured they were as gender neutral as we were going to find.

Cravings & Aversions: More and more things are not sounding good. Too mushy of a texture grosses me out. Eggo waffles sound delicious. Veggies and fruit taste really good, I just need to be better about buying them and remembering to eat them. 


Baby is: Eleven weeks
Size of: a strawberry

Big Developments: Baby is starting to kick and move his arms. Baby is developing sex organs. A little boy will begin to make testosterone and a girl will make estrogen.

Gender: We refer to the baby as ‘he’ but it’s still anyone’s guess. I went shopping with my mom for fabric and couldn’t find anything neutral like I wanted. I did find some cute boy and girl stuff tho. I’m still undecided about telling everyone when we find out the gender. I kind of want to wait till the baby is born but I don’t know if I will be able to keep a secret that long.

Symptoms: Constipation has been a major issue this week. I think I may have a bladder infection as well. I’ve been pretty dizzy and am still battling migraines. My dr got me a prescription to help with the pain so I don’t have to miss so much work.

Thoughts: I’m trying to figure out what to do about the sleeping arrangement when the baby comes. Hiccup still needs to be in his crib so we will probably have to buy a new one or borrow one for the baby. We don’t want either of the kids downstairs by themselves since they are so little so we will have to figure out a way for them to share the upstairs room which will be interesting. I want to be able to buy the baby some new stuff so he isn't stuck with everything hand-me-down, but I don’t know how that will work.

Cravings & Aversions: I ate some chicken this week and it was ok. I figured out if I have it in small pieces I do ok, it’s the bigger pieces that are more meaty and have tendons in them that really gross me out. The smell of hotdogs grosses me out so I can’t even think about eating one. I’ve been craving pasta and breakfast stuff. 

Hiccup's Birthday Wish

Journal entry from July 17, 2013

I’ve been feeling pretty crummy the last few days; headaches, backaches, crampy, dizzy, really bad breakouts, and super short-tempered. I was supposed to start yesterday so I thought that probably had something to do with it; although in the back of my mind I was also considering the exact opposite.

Being a day late, and impatient as ever, I took a test before I got in the shower...and it came up with an error message! What the heck? It totally drove me nuts. I was having an off morning anyway and I was super emotional so this didn't help. After I dropped off Hiccup at the sitter's I headed to Target so I could buy me something for lunch and another pack of tests. I thought I'd be patient enough to wait till I got home to take one but of course I wasn't. I headed downstairs with my shopping bag as discretely as I could. The directions said the result would take 2 minutes to show but I saw the plus sign almost immediately. I got a little teary eyed; I felt overwhelmed, relieved, and excited. 

I waited till we were all home to break the news. I headed downstairs to get ready to watch a show and Casey put Hiccup to bed. While he was up there I sent him this message on his phone. 

He saw that he had a text when he got downstairs and just stared at his phone. He kept looking back and forth to me and the message. I told him that I wasn't kidding, and if he didn't have anything to say right away just to give me a kiss and let it all sink in. 

Getting pregnant with Hiccup took 20 months and this time it took only two. We were both really surprised that it happened so quickly. My babies will be 20 months apart which is a little closer than I planned on but I think will work out just perfectly when the little baby arrives. 

At Hiccup's birthday party, when it was time to blow out his candle, I jokingly helped him wish for a little brother. It's funny that less than a week later I found out that I was pregnant. 

This will be a big change for our family but it will be such a blessing. We go in for our ultrasound appointment on the 15 of August; what a good anniversary present. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Things to do at Christmas

Our Christmas Advent Calender

We have things to do as well as little treats in each pouch of our calender. Here's what we are going to do this year:

Put up the Christmas tree & decorations
Send out Christmas cards
Pick out a new ornament
Wear Christmas pjs to bed (I like to do Christmas pjs early in the month so Hiccup can wear them as much as possible)
Put our shoes out for Sinterklaas (you can read about our Dutch tradition here)
Have fun with cousins at the Bailey Chirstmas party
Watch Elf
Have hot cocoa & toast
Go shopping for our little angel girl (depending on the year, if we don't have enough to pick an angel we donate $ to the bell ringer's bucket)
Pick out a new Christmas book
Kiss under the mistletoe (we bought a new decoration this year and have to test it out)
Read a Christmas storybook by the tree
Visit the city lights
Have an adventure and sleep away from home (Hiccup stays with his cousins while we stay overnight in a hotel for my work Christmas party)
Watch Home Alone
Play in the snow (make a fort inside if there isn't any snow)
Make Christmas cookies
Watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Read a Christmas storybook before bed
Get cocoa to go and drive around neighborhoods to look at lights
Breakfast with Santa 
Read the nativity story from Luke
Watch The Santa Clause
Read the night before Christmas

Some other things I'd like to do once Hiccup gets a little older include: visit a live nativity, visit an elk farm (a friend of mine suggested this and I remember doing it once when I was little), build a snowman, have a snowball fight. 

Some of our other favorite Christmas movies are Mickey's Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story, Miracle on 34th Street, The Grinch, Jack Frost, Prancer, and the little puppet classic Christmas stories. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Just in Time for Thanksgiving

Gratitude ABC's

Some things I am grateful for...

Anniversaries: I love to go to Salt Lake for dinner every October to remember Casey and my first date. April 25 is the day we got engaged, August 15 is the day we were married, November 11 is the day I found out I was pregnant with Hiccup.

Blankets. I love to be cozy in a blanket and feel like you can never have too many in your home. Hiccup has his favorites and he gets so excited to cuddle with them.

Cereal! Although my grocery bill would be significantly less if I didn’t like it so much.

Dreft: I still wash Hiccup’s clothes in this and I love the way it makes them smell. It brings back that new-baby-memory when I fold his clothes.

Essential oils: I’m not an avid user of these but what we do use I will recommend. They are always a go-to for us in our house before we try meds or make a trip to the dr. Nine times out of ten they work for us.

Fall: it’s one of my favorite seasons and we usually don’t get to fully enjoy it living in Utah. It gets too cold too quickly and it ruins the pretty colors and the perfect temperatures. I love wearing jackets and sweaters and boots. I love gloves and hats and warm accessories. I love the crisp air and the smell of autumn. I love pumpkins as decorations and post-season baseball and the start of football.

Grandparents: Hiccup’s grandparents love and spoil him so much. He loves to go visit them and play at their houses. My grandparents continue to spoil and take care of me. I’m glad Hiccup has the chance to have his great-grandparents around.

Home to live in: it’s not our dream house but it’s our first real house. It has Hiccup’s first room and is the place where so many other firsts happened.

Internet: I rely highly too much on this and really don’t know what I’d do without it. I think it’s safe to say that most of us are addicted even if we don’t realize it.

Jr Mints: I can't ever pass these up. I've passed this love onto Hiccup which makes me giggle. He recognizes the look and the sound of the box so they are almost impossible to sneak when he's around. 

Kisses willingly given to me by my baby: I love that he will lean in to me and say ‘muah’.

Lotion: My skin is so dry lately that if I didn’t have lotion I’m sure I’d be one giant paper cut.

Morning cartoons: I wasn’t big on this when I was younger but Hiccup loves to watch a show as he wakes up and eats his breakfast in the morning. I love that he gets excited about seeing George or Jake or Daniel or Elmo and it helps keep him occupied while I get ready in the morning.

Nights that Casey and I lay in bed and talk: It reminds me of when we were dating and first married—that it didn’t matter how sleepy we were or how tired we were going to be the next morning, we just wanted to keep learning more about each other.

Old pictures and videos: I love to look at things from the past and reminisce about old, fun times that we had growing up.

Possibilities: of new babies, staying home with them and seeing them everyday. The future is uncertain and it’s scary but our dreams and goals make it so that we venture out into that unknown and try new things and work for what we want.

Quiet time: most of the time when it’s quiet my mind wanders, and plans, and stresses out, but sometimes I get a little quiet from myself and the rest of the world and it helps to recharge my batteries.

Rest: I feel like I am always tired so any chance I get to take a nap or go to bed early I take it. I love that Hiccup is realizing when he is sleepy and that sleeping can help him feel better. He is starting to go in by his crib with his blanket and wanting to get in to take a rest. 

Sunday dinners with our families: I love that our families take care of us on Sundays and feed us yummy food.

Tradtitions: I like getting together with family the Sunday before Halloween so we can have dinner and see everyone in their costumes. I love Easter egg hunts and having brunch with my family. I love watching all the Thanksgiving episodes of Friends with my brother on Thanksgiving. I love the breakfast my mom made us every Christmas. I love that we are creating our own traditions with our little family.

Umbrellas: besides being obviously useful, I find them to be really cute. 

Vehicles: I love my Subaru and am so grateful to drive it everyday. I feel safe in it, there's plenty of room, it gets good gas mileage, and we have 24 hour road-side assistance. I feel bad that Casey has to drive my little Honda and I get the nice car, but not bad enough to switch him! 

Words that my little one is learning and using each day: I love to hear his deep little voice and the excitement in it as he expands his vocabulary.

X-rays & modern medicine: I've had surgeries, tests, work-ups, labs, ultrasounds, and a delivery that I would have never made it through without knowledgeable doctors and great technology. Now if I could just finish paying for all of them. 

Yesterdays: that make me laugh when I remember them, that help me learn to not make the same mistake twice, that remind me of all that I've been through and overcome. 

Zippers: that keep my coats closed and my pants up.

Monday, November 4, 2013


Casey and Hiccup were sick this year for Halloween so we didn't go trick or treating. Hiccup was just fine with that, he'd rather watch people from a safe distance and hang out with his Nanny.

We did get together with Casey's family the Sunday before. We dressed up, played lots of games, and ate some dinner and treats.

I really should have documented the games but our house was a little crazy and I was a little busy running the show. We had a mummy race: the first team to wrap an entire roll of toilet paper around themselves won; we had two timed races: one using straws to suck out M&M's and the other using chopsticks to transport candy corns; we balanced balloons; we had a relay race to unwrap little caramels with gloves on and eat the candy. There was a lot of yelling and teasing back and forth.

Dead Red Riding Hood, Zombie, Dorothy, Spiderman

Brawny paper towel guy (cheapest costume), Witch (my green tights are hidden), Garden Gnome (favorite costume)

Snow Trooper, Ewok, Princess Leia

Punk & Granny

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays; I put my decorations up in September. I love the tradition of going to pick out a pumpkin and then eating lots of pumpkin-related baked goods.

Hopefully next year Hiccup will feel up to cruising the neighborhood with his candy bucket.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Liebster Award

My cute and talented friend Cherie ( nominated me for a blogger awarad called the Liebster Award. Liebster means dearest in German, and it's awarded, blogger to blogger, to up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers.  

I don't know if I would consider my blog to be up-and-coming, but I certainly have less than 200 followers. Cherie happens to be my one and only and I'm that's totally fine with me. I write for my own purpose, which varies depending on the day and topic. That being said, I would love to know that the things I write have some sort of impact on someone out there. 

The rules for accepting and giving the award are pretty simple.  Once you accept the award, you just have to do the following in a blog entry:
*Answer the 11 questions posted by the nominator on her blog
*Give 11 facts about yourself
*Nominate 5-11 other new, up-and-coming blogs with less than 200 followers
*Make up 11 new questions to pass on the the bloggers you chose to nominate
*Thank your nominator by linking back to her blog
*Upon your post going live, contact your nominees about your nomination for them.

The questions I was asked to answer:
*My favorite smell and why: I love how Hiccup smells. I sometimes smell his blanket or the clothes in his closet while he's busy playing and growing up. I love the smell of Farr's ice cream in Ogden. I love the jack-o-lantern smell on Halloween. I love the smell outside right before it snows. 
*My favorite childhood toy: When I was really little I had a stuffed Winnie the Pooh who was my best friend and I took everywhere. I loved to play 'mommy' with all my dolls and play 'house' with my little kitchen. I played 'school' a lot with my easel and table and chairs that I would arrange around the room. I played with cars a lot with my little brothers. 
*Would I rather live in a cozy cottage or an extraordinary castle? As much fun as it would be to play princess I would have to pick a cottage. I was always intrigued with Miss Honey's cottage in Matilda or Iris's cottage in The Holiday. I'm a pretty simple girl. I like to be cozy and I like to be surrounded by my favorite things, the ones that matter most to me. 
Iris's cottage from The Holiday
*Sweet or salty? Most of the time I'm all for sweets, especially lately. But, I can never turn down popcorn. It's a weakness I have.
*Broken bones? I've torn a few ligaments and had some organs removed but I've never broken a bone.
*Who was I named after? When I was born I didn't have a name for about a week. They finally decided on Nicole after trying a few others and deciding they liked that the best. My brother Kyle was named after my dad's good friend, and my brother Kayd's name was inspired by a cowboy that my grandpa saw on tv. I really like knowing the background of people's names, it intrigues me. My little boy is named after my husband's favorite book and his middle name is after my brother. All of our kids will have names that have some sort of meaning behind them. 
*The first thing I notice about someone: Usually their smile. I'm a sucker for a good smile. 
*My favorite age thus far in life: I wish someone would have told me how fun it is to be a kid while I was busy wanting to grow up. Looking back a lot of my favorite moments happened in 2008. I went to Denver on a baseball trip with my friends, I went to Lake Powell for the first time and made a bunch of new friends. I met so many fun and great people that year. I met and started dating Casey that summer. That fall we told each other we loved each other and decided we wanted to get married.  
*My favorite subject in school: I've always liked English and reading and writing and all the grammar that went along with it. Ironically, in high school I don't think I ever got an A in my English class. I was kind of a slacker and focused a little too much on the social aspect.  ;0)
*My favorite home-cooked meal: I love the cheese enchiladas my mother in law makes. My dad is really good at grilling seafood, my mom makes my favorite Christmas breakfast (and delicious Thanksgiving rolls). My grandpa (and his friend Dean) made my favorite stew which I still crave. I can't ever turn down stew. 

11 Facts About Me
* I have lots of dream jobs. They include, but are not limited to, the following: librarian, foley artist (they create sound effects for movies & tv shows), a script supervisor (they observe the continuity of the shots during movies & tv shows), event planner, drill team coach, children's book or young adult author, I want to own a cafe that serves just snack food and sweets, I want to teach high school English, restaurant critic, movie critic, somehow get paid to travel to all the MLB stadiums and watch game after game. Mostly I want to be a good mama and be able to spend time raising my kids, teaching them and learning from them. 
* I get motion sick super easily. When I was younger I couldn't swing for very long because I would get dizzy. I am a drag at amusement parks because I get sick on anything that goes upside down or spins (even the carousel). I get car sick really easily and I hate to fly. 
* Since I have red hair my wardrobe is limited to certain colors. I have 2 things that are red, 2 purple, 2 yellow, a handful of pink and no orange in my closet. I like to wear blue and green mostly, my eye color changes depending on what I wear so those are fun. 
* I am afraid of a lot of animals. Birds freak me out because they are so unpredictable. Cats scare me because I think they're always thinking of a way to attack me. I hate all bugs (even potato bugs), especially spiders. I woke my husband from a dead sleep in the middle of the night because there was a huge spider in the bathroom. I hate worms. They creep me out, they stink, eww they totally disgust me. 
* We had Hiccup's name picked out before I was ever pregnant, but we kept it a secret until he was born. No one's opinion was going to change the name we had chosen and I didn't want to hear about it. 
* I have a special love and appreciation for adoption and plan on adopting if that opportunity is right for our family. 
* I am a convert to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I was baptized when I was 12 and my brother Kyle was baptized three years later when he turned twelve. My dad was baptized three years after that when he was 45 and we were sealed the next year in the Logan temple. 
* I love holidays and the traditions that go with them. I love to decorate and dress up and plan lots of activities to help us soak in all the holiday glory. Ironically I hate Thanksgiving. I wish we could skip that day every year. It always turns out miserable and I just can't stand that day. 
* Some of my favorite memories from my childhood are going to the movies, whether at the theater or to the drive-in. I still remember the day I saw The Sandlot, Beauty & the Beast, The Lion King, and Aladdin. My family still loves to go to the movies and I am so excited for Hiccup to get old enough to take him to see some shows.
* I will forever be on the search for the best chocolate chip cookie. I like a couple different ones for different reasons but so far my favorite has been (randomly) Subway's cookies. They are hit and miss with the texture and sometimes are more well done than I like, but when they're on they're on!
* I am a huge fan of Disney: land, movies, Pixar related anything, music from the movies... I'm not a huge fan of decorating with Disney stuff, and there are few things that I think are cute when it comes to Disney clothes, but if I had the chance to visit Disneyland on a yearly basis, I'd be a happy girl. If I had a chance to work at a Disney park as some sort of character, heck, that'd be the most awesome job ever.

The blogs and people I choose to nominate are:
*Libby @
*Shawnee @
*Tayler @
*Kristina @ &
I chose these girls because I frequently stalk their blogs to take a peek into their lives. I'm thankful for the stories they have shared.

The questions I would like them to answer:
*What is your favorite holiday tradition?
*Where is your favorite place to go out to eat and what do you order?
*What is one piece of advice you would share with other new mom's or mom's with little kids?
*What is something you are currently struggling with and how do you hope to overcome it?
*What is the last movie/play/concert you went to?
*What is a song that reminds you of high school/jr high?
*You just found $10 in your pocket, what do you do with it?
*What is something you admire about your spouse?
*What is something others admire about you?
*What inspired you to start blogging?
*Who is a famous person others think you look like?

Happy blogging everyone, and thanks again Cherie

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Citrus Lane Review (and a coupon code)

I found a code online for $10 off of my first Citrus Lane box. I've read a lot of reviews about the different subscriptions that little kids could get and this one won my interest. The coupon was a big plus. I missed the deadline for the September box ( you have to order by the 5 of each month in order to get that month's box ) so I planned on getting Hiccup's first little box in October.

I was so excited for it to come in the mail. It felt like it took forever. Later I found out that they are delivered between the 15-22 of each month so that would have been nice to know.

Normally a one month subscription is $25 but with my coupon I only had to pay $15 which included shipping. You enter your child's birth date and gender to help personalize the type of box they will receive. In our case the box was personalized for a 15 month little boy.

The box arrived yesterday and I couldn't wait to dig in to it, with Hiccup's help of course seeing as I ordered it for him :0)

I was super impressed with the packaging. Everything looked nice and the box was a good size to reuse for gift wrapping. My reaction was a little lackluster with the contents upon first inspection. None of these were items I would have personally picked out or paid for. It had a bath time theme to it which I was excited about since Hiccup loves tub time but for some reason I was expecting something a little more grand.

Water Bugs from Boon: bathtoys that retail for $10 at
Playful Wash from Episencial: gentle baby wash and shampoo that retails for $9 at
I really enjoy Boon products. I think they are made well and are pleasing to look at for both parents and babies. Hiccup enjoyed playing with the little bugs and putting them in the net while I opened the rest of the box. He loved playing with it in the tub. He was entertained for a good five minutes doing nothing but scooping up the bugs and then dumping them out, over and over. The one problem we did have is when he tried to chew on the net, it got caught on his little teeth. I know that is not the recommended use but let's face it, kids chew on everything.

We haven't tried the body wash yet, Hiccup is recovering from a two-week-long diaper rash so we're sticking to baking soda and essential oils for tub time right now. It has tangerine oil in it so it smells nice and fresh and I'm looking forward to giving it a try. Right now we are strictly a Johnson & Johnson bath time product family but I'm open to different options.

Triangle Castanet from Green Tones made from rubber wood at
Hiccup loves anything musical. This toy is recommended for 24 months and up but he loved it. He has a little drum set and piano that he loves to play with so this will fit right in with his musical collection. So far the noise it makes isn't too awfully annoying which is a plus :0)

Babybug magazine from Cricket Magazine at with a 3 month digital subscription
I thought this was an odd addition to the box. We didn't have time to look through it last night so maybe I will change my mind and end up loving the online subscription. The jury is still out on this. 

With two products alone I got what I paid for with the box. I am really glad that I didn't pay full price and am super thankful that I found the $10 off code. 

I'm kind of at a toss up to whether I will purchase another box. I think I might wait till after the holidays when my budget isn't so strict. Overall I thought Hiccup enjoyed all of his prizes and can see him getting a good use out of each of them. If I find another $10 off code I think I'll definitely give it another try before I can commit to fully recommending it one way or another. 

Speaking of $10 off codes, if you use my personalized code: it will save you $10 off your first box and give me $10 off a future box. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Delivery Room {Round Two}

April 17. I was one week post-op from my tonsils. I had a dr appointment in the morning and I was feeling miserable. After I got some antibiotics in me I started to feel a little better.

I got a text from Tone (my other mama) saying that Nadia was in the hospital. Baby wasn't due for another two and a half weeks so I didn't quite know what to think. Would they keep her or send her home? I got a text from Nadia a little later saying that baby was coming today! I had told her months ago that I would do whatever she needed or wanted me to do for her delivery. I offered to film or take pictures since I think that is something so wonderful to have since labor and delivery are a complete blur as a new parent.

I talked to Tone a few hours later and told her I'd stop and pick up a few things Nadia had forgotten and then head up to the hospital. She told me there was no need to hurry. I gave Hiccup a bath, gave him a hug and kiss, and put him to bed.

I stopped at Target and got some snacks, Nadia's forgottens, and some jammies for the babe. I wandered around a bit making sure I didn't forget anything and headed to the hospital. I got teary eyed as I drove. There are so many emotions surrounding the birth of a baby. I was excited for Nadia to start this new adventure. I was proud of her. She has always been like a sister to me. I felt so connected to her little babe already.

I parked and headed to the elevator. I text Tone to see what room they were in. She text back telling me to run! (She had gone from a 4 to a 10 within the hour!) Elevators always move in super slow motion when you're in a hurry. Geez.

I looked like a crazy person as I got off the elevator with my camera ready in my hand. I opened the door to her room to see Nadia mid-push. Both she and Tone let out sighs of relief that I had made it.

I had never witnessed a birth before; I kept my head down when they showed it (twice) in high school. But my mama instinct took over and nothing seemed more natural than to be there for my friend as her life changed.

One more round of pushes and Liam was born. He was a little purple and a little cone-headed, but he was here and he was so sweet and so loved. I feel so blessed and privileged to have witnessed his arrival into this world and to be there as he met his mama. The light in their eyes was so bright in their meeting. I saw a change in my friend that I always knew was possible, but that she had sometimes doubted.

I am a true believer that everything happens for a reason and I know that Liam came to Nadia at a pivotal point in her life. They will be each other's strength and foundation. There is a special bond between a mama and her boy. I already recognize that with Hiccup, and I know that Nadia and Liam will share the same, great love.

some pics from instagram.. filters were our friend with the awesome hospital lighting 

Thursday, August 22, 2013


In the past few months, I have become aware of several people in my life dealing with a huge trial. They have lost their tiniest of angels. Whether weeks in the womb, or minutes or months old, their little one has been called back Home into the arms of our Heavenly Father.

I cannot begin to imagine the feeling of loss and extreme woe my friends have experienced and endured. They have been such examples of faith and strength to those around them. I pray for them daily that they will continue to receive the strength they need to make it through each day, that they will be able to feel and accept the love and help from those around them, that they might finally feel a sense of peace.

Every baby is a blessing. Every baby comes into this world with a perfect spirit.Some, sadly, are needed here for only a short time.

I am grateful everyday for the chance that I had to be pregnant with Hiccup, that he is in my life today. He is my most precious little miracle.

I know that we will have the chance to be with our loved ones who have gone before us again. I know that we will have the chance to be parents to the little ones we have lost.

To my friends, or anyone who is dealing with this trial, don't give up. You are an amazing example to those around you. Even if people may seem to forget or move on with their daily lives, we still remember your trial and are thinking of you, praying for you. I love you all. My heart aches for your loss. I am here for anything I can help with.


1. Have my make up professionally done
2. Couples Massage
3. Grow out my hair long enough for a pony tail
4. Go on a bike ride

Casey and I went to Beyond Spa in Layton for our anniversary massage. We went after we got married and we decided it was something we definitely needed to make a tradition out of. I've been going there for a few years and only once did I have a not-so-great experience. I have requested Kami as my therapist since I was pregnant with Hiccup and she's never let me down.

Sorry, no pics... kind of an intimate number on the list :0)

AM I THE ONLY ONE? {who doesn't like...}

Personally I don't consider myself a picky or stingy person, but to a lot of people I might come off that way. I happen to be opinionated in my likes and dislikes. Love it or hate it... you gotta deal with it.

CHOCOLATE FOUNTAINS: They are messy. I'd much rather have my food uncovered with chocolate. I just don't get the appeal, especially of chocolate-covered fruit.. yuck.

NUTELLA: I don't get the big deal about this. It tastes like nutty chocolate frosting and I don't really love putting frosting on every single thing I eat. I've figured out that I don't enjoy anything hazelnut related.

THE BEATLES: I watched Across the Universe and appreciated the Beatles' talent for writing songs, I am just not a fan of when they sing them. One word: overrated.

TEXAS ROADHOUSE: Overpriced. Not that great of food. Twice I've been there and they've been out of what I wanted to order. How does this happen? I happen to have several friends who work there, who I fully support and love.. just not coming in to see ya there :0)

3D MOVIES: They hurt my eyes. They are so dark. They make me wish I would have just picked the regular version. And, holy expensive! I'll leave my 3D experiences to Disneyland and Universal Studios, thank you very much.

ROOSTERS: I did have a decent experience at the Layton restaurant when I went with my mom and grandma about a month ago. Every other time before that it was bad food with worse service. I'm all for supporting local restaurants, I just pick Union Grill over this place every single time.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Hiccup One Year

In effort to a be a good and sentimental mama I've decided to write Hiccup a letter on his birthday. I already write a letter on Mother's Day but that's mostly how I feel about him and my hopes for him. This one, I decided, should be all about him-- to let him (and us as parents) look back at what his life and personality was like at this stage in his life.

I can't believe you are a whole year old. You learn something new everyday and are changing so much. You have blonde hair that grows kind of crazy so most of the time it's messy. You have big blue eyes that are wide and curious. You get lots of compliments on them. You have long, dark eyelashes so I think your hair will darken as you get older. You have pretty, pouty lips that all the girls love. You have your dad's body type with short legs and natural muscle.
You are walking (and trying to run) everywhere. You are a very busy little boy! You like to investigate and be involved in everything.
My favorite part of the day with you is first thing in the morning after we wake up. You are so excited to see me when I come in your room. Your hair is a mess and your face is soft. Your eyes are bright but still sleepy. You give me a hug and you'll snuggle with your blankie while you have your bottle. We all snuggle in our bed with all the pillows and blankets around us and watch George or climb on Daddy so he'll wake up. The morning is when you're the happiest and most loving.
I love how attached you are to your blankets. You definitely have your favorites so it gets rough when they need to be washed. You are a boy who loves music! You love to dance and wiggle when you hear songs you like. You even sing a long to some of them.
You are a total mama's boy lately and I love it. I think it makes Daddy a little sad but you guys will be best buds soon enough. You love to hold me and give me hugs and pats. You like to watch me when I get ready and help me pick out clothes from my closet. You help me cook and clean and do the laundry.
Some of my favorite things you do are things you've figured out on your own. I love how you know to step out of your pants when we get you ready for your bath and how you think you're big enough to climb in the tub by yourself. I love how excited you get. You ball up your fists and literally shake because you're so excited. You say 'ooh' and 'wow' a lot and smile great big. You look around to see if everyone is as excited as you are.
You've picked up a lot of my facial expressions; mostly ones I didn't realize I made. You're learning even when we don't know we're teaching you.
You are the most independent when you're being mischievous, otherwise you want us to play too. You love George! He makes you light up and I love it!
You aren't talking much but you wave hi and bye and are starting to point at things. You love planes, trains, trucks, balls, and animals. You are such a boy and you are so excited to grow up so you can do all the things you watch the big kids do.
You love to eat breakfast foods and snack foods. You aren't a great eater most of the time but we're trying to be patient with you.
You make us laugh every single day and we tell you so many times how much we love you. I hope you never forget that for even a second.
You are my little angel and my best little friend. I am so happy that I get to be your mama.


We had Shanda from Shanda Photography take pictures for his one year. She did a fabulous job (and is gorgeous) and we had a lot of fun with her. Hiccup doesn't usually like to smile for pictures so we were thrilled when he was in a good mood and we got several different expressions from him.

with Reginald the raccoon

with George 

excited about something 

he loves to look at the animal book

he got a little sleepy so decided to rest 

playing catch 

{George & Rex are from Kohls. Reginald is from Anthropologie. Teepee is from Little Uinta. Blanket was a gift made with fabric from Ikea. Blue polo from Crazy 8, red plaid shirt from JC Penny. Shorts from Target. Pumas from Babies R Us.}